Interview Questions About C Programming - Structures

In this article, we will discuss common interview questions about C programming structures. Learn about the definition, purpose, and usage of structures in C, including how to declare, initialize, and access members of a structure. Understand the difference between passing a structure by value, pointer, or reference and how to use structures to improve memory management in C programming.

Interview Questions About C Programming - Structures

It's important to note that the level of questions should match the level of the candidate and the position they are applying for.

  1. Can you explain a structure in C programming and its purpose?
  2. How do you declare a structure and access its members in C?
  3. Can you give an example of a real-world scenario where you would use a structure in your code?
  4. How do you initialize a structure in C?
  5. How do you pass a structure as a function argument and manipulate its data within the function?
  6. Can you explain the difference between the dot operator (.) and the arrow operator (->) when accessing structure members?
  7. Can you provide an example of using a structure as an array element?
  8. Can you give an example of using nested structures in C?
  9. How does using structures in C compared to classes in other programming languages?
  10. How does using structures can improve memory management in C?


Q: Can you explain a structure in C programming and its purpose?

Ans: A structure in C programming is a user-defined data type that can store a collection of different data types. The purpose of a structure is to represent a complex data type that can illustrate real-world objects or concepts.

For example, a structure can represent a point in 2D space, a rectangle, or a person's contact information. By grouping related data and allocating memory in a single block, structures can improve memory management, data organization, data abstraction, and interaction with functions. It also allows for more readable and maintainable code.

Q: How do you declare a structure and access its members in C?


To declare a structure in C, you use the "struct" keyword followed by the name of the structure and a list of members within curly braces {}. The syntax is as follows:

struct struct_name {
    type member1;
    type member2;
    type member_n;

For example, you can create a structure to represent a point in 2D space:

struct point {
    int x;
    int y;

To access the members of a structure, you can use the dot operator (.) or the arrow operator (->). The dot operator is used when you are working with a variable of the structure type, whereas the arrow operator is used when you work with a pointer to the structure type.

struct point p1;
p1.x = 1;
p1.y = 2;
printf("x = %d, y = %d", p1.x, p1.y);


struct point *p2;
p2 = &p1;
p2->x = 3;
p2->y = 4;
printf("x = %d, y = %d", p2->x, p2->y);

It's important to note that you need to initialize the structure before using it. Otherwise, you might get undefined behavior.

Q: Can you give an example of a real-world scenario where you would use a structure in your code?

Ans: A real-world scenario where a structure could be used in C programming is in the development of a database management system.

For example, you could use a structure to represent a record in a database table. Each record would have multiple fields, such as a unique ID, a name, an address, and a phone number. The structure could be defined as follows:

struct record {
    int id;
    char name[50];
    char address[100];
    char phone[20];

You can then use an array of this structure to store multiple records in memory and use functions to add, delete, update and retrieve records from the database.

Another example could be in the development of a 2D game, where you could use a structure to represent a character in the game. Each character would have multiple attributes, such as position, health, and attack power. The structure could be defined as follows:

struct character {
    int x;
    int y;
    int health;
    int attack;

You can then use an array of this structure to store multiple characters in memory and use functions to move, attack, and update the characters' attributes.

These are just a few examples of how structures can be used in real-world scenarios. Still, structures can be used in many other domains, such as image processing, network communication, etc.

Q: How do you initialize a structure in C?

Ans:  There are several ways to initialize a structure in C:

  1. Using the assignment operator (=):
    struct point p1;
    p1.x = 1;
    p1.y = 2;
  2. Using an initializer list:
    struct point p2 = {1, 2};
  3. Using a designator:
    struct point p3 = {.y = 2, .x = 1};
  4. Using a compound literal:
    struct point p4 = (struct point) {1, 2};

The first way is good when you want to initialize the structure after declaring it. The second, third, and fourth ways are good when you want to initialize the structure while simultaneously declaring it.

It's important to note that when you use the second and fourth ways if you don't initialize all the members of the structure, the remaining members will be set to zero by default. However, when you use the third way, you need to initialize all the structure members.

Q: How do you pass a structure as a function argument and manipulate its data within the function?

Ans: There are several ways to pass a structure as a function argument in C:

  1. Pass by value: You can pass a copy of the structure to the function. The function can then manipulate the data within the structure, but the changes will not be reflected in the original structure.
    void change_point(struct point p) {
        p.x = 5;
        p.y = 6;
    int main() {
        struct point p = {1, 2};
        printf("x = %d, y = %d", p.x, p.y); // x = 1, y = 2
        return 0;
  2. Pass by pointer: You can pass a pointer to the structure of a function. The function can then manipulate the data within the structure by dereferencing the pointer, and the changes will be reflected in the original structure.
    void change_point(struct point *p) {
        p->x = 5;
        p->y = 6;
    int main() {
        struct point p = {1, 2};
        printf("x = %d, y = %d", p.x, p.y); // x = 5, y = 6
        return 0;
  3. Pass by reference: You can pass a reference to the structure to the function. The function can then manipulate the data within the structure using the reference, and the changes will be reflected in the original structure.
    void change_point(struct point &p) {
        p.x = 5;
        p.y = 6;
    int main() {
        struct point p = {1, 2};
        printf("x = %d, y = %d", p.x, p.y); // x = 5, y = 6
        return 0;
  4. The first way is good when you don't want the function to change the original structure, the second way is good when you want the function to change the original structure, and the third way is good when you want the function to change the original structure, and you are using C++.

    void change_point(struct point &p) {
        p.x = 5;
        p.y = 6;
    int main() {
        struct point p = {1, 2};
        printf("x = %d, y = %d", p.x, p.y); // x = 5, y = 6
        return 0;

    It's important to note that passing a structure by value can lead to performance issues if the structure is large; passing by a pointer or reference is a better option in this case.

Q: Can you explain the difference between the dot operator (.) and the arrow operator (->) when accessing structure members?

Ans: The dot operator (.) and the arrow operator (->) are used to accessing members of a structure in C programming. The main difference between them is how they are used depending on the variable they are applied to.

The dot operator (.) is used when you are working with a variable of the structure type. It is used to access the members of the structure directly. For example:

struct point p1;
p1.x = 1;
p1.y = 2;

In this example, the dot operator is used to access the members x and y of the structure variable p1.

The arrow operator (->) is used when working with a pointer to the structure type. It is used to access the members of the structure through the pointer. For example:

struct point *p2;
p2 = &p1;
p2->x = 3;
p2->y = 4;

In this example, the arrow operator is used to access the members x and y of the structure variable p1 through the pointer p2.

In summary, the dot operator (.) is used to access members of a structure variable directly, while the arrow operator (->) is used to access members of a structure variable through a pointer.

Q: Can you provide an example of using a structure as an array element?

Ans: Yes, you can use a structure as an array element in C programming. For example, you can create an array of structures as follows:

struct point {
    int x;
    int y;

struct point points[10];

You can then access and manipulate the elements of the array using the array subscript operator []. For example, you can initialize the first element of the array as follows:

points[0].x = 1;
points[0].y = 2;

And you can print the value of the x and y members of the first element of the array as follows:

printf("x = %d, y = %d", points[0].x, points[0].y); // x = 1, y = 2

You can also use a loop to initialize or manipulate the array's elements. For example:

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    points[i].x = i;
    points[i].y = i*2;

In this example, I created an array of structures called points, each element of the array is of type "struct point", the array has 10 elements, I can access each element using the array subscript operator [], and I can manipulate the x and y members of each element of the array.

It's important to note that when you use an array of structures, you should consider the size of the array, and the size of the structure and the memory will be allocated accordingly.

Q: Can you give an example of using nested structures in C?

Ans: Yes, you can use nested structures in C. A nested structure is a structure that is defined within another frame.

For example, you can create a structure representing a rectangle that consists of two points: the starting and ending points. Each point is represented by a separate structure that contains x and y coordinates.

struct point {
    int x;
    int y;

struct rectangle {
    struct point start;
    struct point end;

You can then create an instance of the rectangle structure, and initialize its members.

struct rectangle r1;
r1.start.x = 0;
r1.start.y = 0;
r1.end.x = 10;
r1.end.y = 10;

Or you can use the initializer list to initialize the nested structure directly.

struct rectangle r2 = {{0, 0}, {10, 10}};

In this example, I created a structure called "point" that has two members x and y, and a structure called "rectangle" that has two members start and end, each member is of type "struct point", and I used the nested structure to represent a rectangle by two points.

It's important to note that when you use nested structures, you have to specify the complete path to access the member of the inner structure. Also, you need to consider the memory allocation of the nested structures and the size of the structures.

Q: How does using structures in C compared to classes in other programming languages?

Ans: Structures in C and classes in other programming languages, such as Java, C++, and C#, have similarities and differences.


  • Both structures and classes represent complex data types that can illustrate real-world objects or concepts.
  • Both structures and classes can have member variables and member functions.
  • Both structures and classes can organize data and improve code readability and maintainability.


  • Inheritance: Classes in other programming languages such as Java, C++, and C# support inheritance, which allows a class to inherit properties and methods from a parent class. Structures in C do not support inheritance.
  • Encapsulation: Classes in other programming languages, such as Java, C++, and C#, provide a way to hide the implementation details of the data from the rest of the program through encapsulation. In C, structures do not offer encapsulation, and the data members of a structure are public by default.
  • Polymorphism: Classes in other programming languages, such as Java, C++, and C#, support polymorphism, which allows objects of different types to be treated as objects of a common parent type. Structures in C do not support polymorphism.

In summary, structures in C are similar to classes in other programming languages. They represent complex data types and can be used to organize data and improve code readability and maintainability. However, classes in different programming languages have more advanced features such as inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism, which structures.

Q: How does using structures can improve memory management in C?

Ans: Using structures in C can improve memory management in several ways:

  1. Grouping related data: By grouping related data together into a single structure, you can reduce the number of variables needed to represent an object and, in turn, reduce the amount of memory used to store the object.

  2. Allocating memory in a single block: When you create an instance of a structure, memory is allocated for all the structure members in a single block. This makes it easy to allocate and deallocate memory for the entire object simultaneously, rather than allocating and deallocating memory for each member.

  3. Data alignment: The compiler can align the memory addresses of the members of a structure according to the data type of the member, which can lead to better performance and reduced memory usage.

  4. Pass by value or reference: When you pass a structure as a function argument, you can pass it by value or reference, this allows you to pass a copy of the structure or the original structure, improving the performance and memory usage depending on the use case.

  5. Arrays of structures: Using an array of structures can help to store multiple objects of the same type with a single allocated memory block, which can be more efficient than allocating memory for each object separately.

It's important to note that structures can lead to better performance and memory usage. However, it's not always the best approach; structures should be carefully considered depending on the use case and the programming needs.